Sir, what should I do after 12th commerce?

Sir, what should I do after 12th commerce? 

Commerce means business. It means managing money, managing people, marketing and selling, creating business systems that help people to serve better. 
You should  ask a this simple question first, before you join any college or do any course  
Do I want to start my own business? or do I want to have  job? 
There are two options, major options. 
1. To be  successful entrepreneur and businessman. 
2. To be successful employee so that you get better jobs. 
This both options requires different kind of training paths. 
I advise you that before you choose to be a businessman or  you want to take up  a job you must know
1. your temperament 
2. your personality 
3.your skill sets 
4. your value systems 
so that you can choose right career path. 
Please click the following link to take my career choice test so I can guide you and help you to find right career. 
I have created many videos for the students of 1 commerce.  I wish to share few of them for all of Commerce student who are in 12th or who are in college in commerce stream. 
Please watch these videos carefully and repeatedly. These videos are given at the end of this write up.  
If you want to have my personal advice, please, take my online test then I will be able to help you to find the right career. 
You know the reason, I asked you to take this career choice test because I want to  know more about you, your skills, your likes and dislikes so I can offer you better career options. 
All my best wishes to all, 
Be the great entrepreneur likes  Dhirubhai Ambani,  Azim Premji , Ratan TaTa and many  other  great businessmen! 
Neerav From 
Personality development Academy.
Cell: 94262 14800 

         Watch this videos carefully and repeatedly
                    Video 1   
Is Business easy or difficult? 
                  (Gujarati & English)   

Video 2 :14 Career options after 12 commerce 


                         Video 3: career opportunities  in 21 century
                                 Video 4 : Business opportunities in 21 century
              Video 5: What does Steve Job say about career selection ? 


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