Hello hello Sir, I am an engineering graduate but I cannot speak English fluently. Why?

Hello hello Sir, I am an engineering graduate but I cannot speak English fluently. Why? 
If you want to speak English fluently or any other language fluently you should have 
1. Ability to think in English language. It means you should be able to  create sentences fast. It means that you should have right word at right time with  right sentence structure. 
This requires good listening skills, long listening hours in English.you must have  focused mind so you  can listen intensively !   
2. Ability to think creatively. You cannot create sentence only by  words, sentences or  Grammar knowledge.  you should have creative visualization. It means that your mind must be able to think differently, creatively so you should have different ideas 
you must learn How to think ? to be fluent  
We offer a  training program at personality development academy to achieve these goals . The name of the training program is
 "come on speak English fluently" 

Eevaa in "come on speak English fluently" 

There are three parts of this program. 
1. Come on speak out ! part 1 
2. Come on speak out part 2 
3. Talk to me! 
These all programs help you think in English by using videos and many activities. 
You watch videos first. Then you learn new words from the video. Then you create sentences using new words. Then you create paragraph. Then you slowly start talking with your teacher and friend. 
The process is very enjoyable. You do it in a friendly environment. We use films, songs, drama, storytelling techniques, Eco technique to help you speak English fluently. 
Watch  few videos shown below so you can have more  idea about over training programs n video programs
Watch these 3 videos 

                                                       talk to me 

                       come on speak out part 2 
                                            come on speak out part 1
Call: 94262 14800 to know more about our services   


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