"How did I choose the career after 10th ( SSC)?" : Bhavya Shah, Topper of SSC Board, 2005

Bhavya Shah was the topper  of  SSC,  Gujarat  State Board talking about 

" How to choose career after SSC? " 

        Watch this video ( Gujarati)

Read the  translation in English below.    

                     " How did i choose my career ?"  

 Bhavya Shah was the topper in 10 standard, SSC  

in Gujarat  State Board. 

he says very important things in this video on the topic 
"How did I choose the career after 10th?" 
He says these things in Gujarati.  
I translate his words in English language so you can understand whatever he says 
" hello friends, I am Bhavya Shah. I had appeared in  SSC exam in 2005, I got 7th rank in Gujarat Board SSC exams. I was very confident at that time and I decided to choose B stream with biology in higher secondary. 
I cleared 11th science but I didn't appear in 12th science exam because of some confusion and physical limitations during the training program. So I appeared in 12th science in 2008. 
I got confused about the career selection after that. 
 I wanted to make my career path clear. 
Meanwhile I read book the name of the book is "career counselor" I read the book and wanted to meet the author of the book so I came to personality development Academy Bhuj to meet him personally. 
When I met Mr Neerav , he advised me to take

" career choice tests"

 he conducted the tests and he suggested right careers for me after doing SWOT analysis that is knowing negative and positive traits of my  personality and finding the right career opportunities." 

Mr Bhavya Shah  then thanks  me in this video. 
The advice that I gave him is  very relevant today also ! 

If you want to choose right career after 10th SSC exam, 
1. You must know your strength and weaknesses. 
2. You must do SWOT analysis that is strength, weakness, opportunity and threat analysis. 
3. Money, time and energy are  invested in career so you must invest your time with career counselor, parents and teachers. 

If you want to get connected with me please, click the following links 
This link for English medium students.
Sir, help my son to choose right career  
This link is for Gujarati medium students. 


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