Eevaa : from an English Coach to Film Director in Mumbai

             Eevaa Bhatt , teaching to talk fluently at PDA.

When Eevaa  was in 12th arts, I invited her to compete in best personality contest. She participated in the contest. She got first rank and gold medal in personality contest. She joined personality development Academy as an English coach. Her English was powerful. She was confident. She was in a  small town Bhuj but She had big dreams. Then she went to Ahmedabad, saint Xaviers College. Then she went to Baroda to do mass communication program for journalists. 

When she came to Bhuj, she visited personality development Academy. She shared her knowledge with students. She helped many students. She was working at  personality development Academy as an English coach .

 She taught me many things. She always looked life as a challenge. She took the challenge.  When she completed her post graduation in Mass Communication at Baroda, She went Mumbai to find job. That was the time of struggle, she faced it.   

She is in Mumbai now . She works  as a professional  in channel 9. I am fortunate to have a person like Eavaa Bhatt as an English coach at personality development Academy.   

  What does Eevaa say ? Watch the video  

When you join personality development academy  as an English coach, you get many befits that help you to grow in life and career.    

Benefits to be an English coach at PDA:

1. Your confidence and communication skills will improve.
2. Your English will improve.
3. You will get social respect.
4. You will get love of students and parents.
5. You  will get money.
6. You will be able to create your network.
7. You will remain young and dynamic throughout your life.
8. Teaching is a social service so we will serve your family and society.  
9. Your will  get many job opportunities because there is a great demand of English teacher/coach  everywhere in India.  we have many English schools, colleges and institutions but English is poor everywhere.

We teach English coach to teach creatively.  

What is Creative Teaching ?

Teaching is a creative art. Language teaching is the most creative thing that I have experienced. You can teach English by songs, role plays, drama. 
You can use computer to show many video clips of films with subtitles, you can show talk shows, interviews of great personalities and make teaching very interesting.
You can even create drama for your students and teach them grammar rules with help of music song and drama.

Please, click following video to see that how do I use drama as a medium to teach English.

           Good teacher is a good actor, singer and performer.

We have been teaching teachers to teach English effectively at Personality Development Academy since 2004.

We call our teacher as "English Coach" because they teach students one on one. They teach students with confidence and love.

What do we teach our teachers/ English coach ? 

English coach training course at personality development academy 

1. Counselling  skills  to know the need of students.
2. Taking English language tests of students.
3. Designing the course according to the needs of students
4. Teaching English by using computers.
5. Conditioning the minds of students to improve their grasping power and memory power.
6. Basics of grammar and teaching grammar by many activities.
7. Public speaking skills.
8. Acting skills.
9. Event management & marketing and selling skills .You can join our English coach program during vacation or  any time of the year. You can also join our program online.

How can you join English  Trainer / English coach program  ?

Call: 9426 214 800
Or  visit personality development Academy


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