Sun Rises: A modern musical family drama by neerav


 ( watch the video)  

A father sends his two sons to London and America. 
He waits for their  arrival but they do not come 


You must watch this modern musical play to know the reasons. 

There are other reasons that you should watch this musical play. 

1. you will experience the love of father after watching this drama .  
2. You  will learn how to learn creatively. 
3. If you are leader or teachers will learn  how to teach or motivate people and students  
4. Parents will learn how to behave in a better way with their children. 

You can watch video trailer  here. 

(click the video clip above or below )

Here are some photographs of the play. 


Professors are watching the play   


Students participate in show and learn communication skills, acting skills and English.

Kachchha mitra a well known news paper of Gujarat  praises the modern musical play " Sun rises"


You should call me at 94262 14800 to arrange this musical play in schools, colleges , institutes, organizations, company, clubs and your cities ! 

There are 2 options 

1. We can come with professional acting team and perform the show   

2. we can train your students in 2 days and make them ready to perform the show 

Neerav Gadhai : Creator of the musical play " Sun rises "  

click the following Neerav's introduction to know more about neerav gadhai  

Neerav's introduction  




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