Last  5 minutes of my " public speaking training show" 

                                 if you enjoy , read my story   


I studied in Gujarati medium. I was afraid to speak English. I went to MS University Baroda to study engineering course. I was not able to read engineering books. Even i was not able to understand what my professors taught. I failed in 11 subjects. I lost one year. Then I was very serious about studies. I got first rank in 3rd year. I got 2nd rank in final year of engineering.

When I came out of college,I was filled with confidence and enthusiasm to face the world. I went to Mumbai.  I got a job in JJ Chemical company. As soon as  I  got job, I lost the  confidence because all the employees working under me were very good in English and  I was poor.  When I went to real world, I lost all the confidence.  The education and degree i got was not very useful at my workplace.

I see many students with good marks but very few students have courage and confidence to speak English confidently and fluently that is because we are not taught the way we should be taught.My boss told me that she would  remove me from the job, if I did improve my English. I was working at Marine Lines Mumbai at that time. I did many courses one of the course was at Baroda by professor kathrekar the name of the class was ideal coaching class. The class was located at Hathi pole. My English improved after joining that class  but I couldn't speak English. I got some knowledge of grammar, tenses but it didn't help much in real life .When my boss threaten me to fire from job because of my poor English, I got worried. once,  I was walking on Marine Lines thinking about my poor English, I saw a class where few students  were waiting to get in the class. I was curious to know more about the class so I went inside the class and asked the counselor about the course. She explain me that the class was about public speaking and not for  English speaking. Then she explain the benefits of it. I paid the fees, joined the class. I was doing job of a  sales executive so I didn't have time to join regular classes . I join Sunday classes.  I visited the classes Sunday to Sunday. The course was for 10 Sundays. I started learning to speak in front of audiences. I started learning to speak with confidence and courage. I develop voice modulation. My body language improved. Finally, I got second rank in the class with distinction.

This training  changed my personality, my career and life!

I decided to leave my career as a sales executive. I decided to leave my career as an engineer. I decided to be coach of public speaking course.This is my story of becoming public speaking coach.

Career of public speaking coach

I have been teaching public speaking since 1991. My goal is to help young boys and girls to speak confidently and fluently on their feet. I know that thousands of boys and girls join English schools in Gujarat and other parts of India to speak English confidently but most of them don't. Most of the parents have the  dreams  to listen to their children speaking fluently in English. few fortunate parents do fulfill their dreams but most parents don't. 

Public speaking is the best Technic to speak English confidently!     


               Our Prime Minster's Guru  and my Communication skill Guru" 

The communicator par excellence"

   Shri. Rooshikumar pandyaa   

I got training from many public speaking schools.I would like to mention few of them

1. Nazareth speakers Academy Mumbai.

2. Indo - American Society Mumbai.

3. Rooshikumar Pandya my mentor n Guru of communication who is also known in Academia as communicator par excellence.  who was also the Guru of Shri Narendra Modi , the prime minister of India. ( There are only two similarity between Shri Narendra modi and me. our names start with " N" and we have same Guru Rooshikumar pandya to teach us communication skills!)    

I have taught doctors, engineers, Chartered Accountants, IAS aspirants, Professors, teachers , principals,  person who are interested in getting jobs. Many times, i use public speaking to build confidence in my clients.  I have used many techniques to teach them but public speaking is  very effective technique to build confidence!

I am fortunate that Shri  Narendra Modi called me to help Gujarati boys and girls to speak English confidently. I met him on 18th December 2006 at 8 p.m. at Bhuj City of Gujarat. 

Benefits of public speaking:

There are many benefits of public speaking

1. Ability to think instantly,clearly  and creatively on your  feet.

2. Builds confidence and courage.

3. Ability to think and act like a leader.

4. Powerful visual and vocal delivery.

Who should join public speaking courses ?

Public speaking course is very useful for teachers, professors, researchers and students but there are other occupations and careers that need public speaking skills  and presentation skills.

1. Entrepreneurs 2. Businessman and shopkeepers 3. Salesmen 4. Managers 5. Lawyers.6. presenters 7. TV anchors 8. Actors 9 Show hosts 10. politicians 11. leaders from any field   

Most of the people from these careers have come to my training shows , seminars or they have joined my personal coaching programs     

 How do I offer this course?

I conduct this  course regularly at personality development Academy.

I go to many organisations, institutes, universities and business houses to do the course by invitation.

I offer training shows for 3 hours, training seminars for 2 to 3 days and training course for 30 hours. 

Please, watch the video of my training show for public speaking program for  kutch Kadva Patidar Samaj. That Training show  was for 500 boys and girls . final round was a dance round, 

you can see the video on the top.

Please watch my video of my training seminar of public speaking for Asia motor work engineers at Asia Motor Works company

watch the following video.  

                      video  :  11 tips to be great public speaker  

Information of my future programs:

I have been invited by  Prof. S.N.Soman and Dr. Sunil  D. Kahar at MS University Baroda, to conduct introductory session for new generation of Engineers, professors and researchers in  GD & PT Session in One day Conference on  META-FIESTA-2017

You are welcome to attend this show! 

Please, call Dr. Sunil  D. Kahar,Convener, META-FIESTA 2017 at (M): 91-09925020729 for more information.
please, call 94262 14800 to arrange my training shows, seminars and courses of public speaking  


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