The most suitable careers for girls ( 61 careers )


I conducted many career seminars with the help of well known newspapers n TV channels of Kutch.
The subject of the seminar was for girl students. 
The topic was 

"How to choose career for women?" 

Many girls asked the questions in the seminar.  I wish to share the videos  of them and I will try to answer the questions that they asked in shortest form.

These girls students are  very intelligent but  they wear confused.  They wanted to get their answers.  I tried my level best to answer them 

I wish to share some important principles for career selection for girls
There is a modern research in Science that says that girls'  right brain activities are more powerful than left brain activities so they should choose the careers that is most suitable for the right brain activities 
Most of the  people  do not know about this scientific fact.  
 I share with you the  scientifically proved facts. 
you can see in CAT scan machines  from the photographs of brains of women compared to men. 

I wish to share the list of the careers  that is most suitable for women. This is the general list. There may be some exception but if you choose the career from this list,  there are high chances that girls will be more successful in these  careers
I wish to share the video that I created for DD Girnar channel for the students on how to choose career please watch this video before you read the careers that is most suitable for girls. 


How to choose career ? video of 3 minutes 

61 careers for women  

1. Teacher 
2. Professor 
3. Trainer 
4. Marriage counselor/ match maker 
6.Yoga class.    
7 Computer Software 
8 Computer typing    9 Office Secretary    10 Nursery Child Care Centers 11 Old Age home 12 Paying  Guest  13 Career  Center:  Career Adviser  14 Psychiatry Psychologist   
15 Art Field:   Embroidery  16 Tailoring   17 Gift Article Store 
18 Tiny Restaurant 19 Speech Therapy   20 Writer                          21 Technical Writing    22 Journalist  23 Beauty services   24 physiotherapist  25  Acupuncture 26 Acupressure   27  Massage  
 28 Ricky Healer 29  Hypnotist  30 Job Selection Center/  Placement Services 31 Dietitian 32 Physical Fitness / Exercise Teacher 33 Personality Development:  Personality Development Teacher  34 Music Instructor 35 Clearing Services:  Cleanliness Service 36  Dancing Teacher stmeitc  37 Event Management Wedding Specialist 38.  Website Designer  39 Jewelry designers 
40 Telephone operator 41 Tele- marketing  42 architects 
 43 teachers of the Languages ( English/ french/ Indian languages)   44.  Soft skills teacher 45. home maker/ Housewife                      46  Collector 47. Manager 48. Designer 49. Public relations 50. Social work 51. Nursing/Medicine  52. Digital Marketing 53. Banking 54. Air hostess 55. Hotel reception 56. Office reception / phone operator 57. Insurance 58. B.P.O. 59. K.P O  60. Entertainment , Acting, singing ,music, Dance 
61. Government jobs 

Yashwi Kotak takes Self -discovery  course

Activity : Career story  

" Self -discovery for Career Success "course @ PDA  

This is a course with many activities to help your to choose right career. U may invest lots of money , time and energy in any professional course then U may find that there are no  good opportunities in the  professional course that you have done. Or U may find that u don't like to work i that profession. it is always advisable to take this course before your enroll in any long term professional courses . Self discovery  course include psychometric tests also. 

Please, click the following link, if u want to create  "Career blue print plan"    



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