Who r u ? તમે કોણ છો ?

who are you ?

    તમે કોણ છો  ?   

 here are two type of people in this world.   
1. Mystifiers who mystify everything. 
2.  Simpliers who simplify everything . 
if u r in 1st category, u use difficult words, u use complex 
terminology. people may not understand you. u might get respect. it will be difficult for you to get good friends around you. if u r in power , people will respect you but 
you won't get the love of people. 
if if u r in 2nd category, u use simple  words, u use simple sentences  to explain your idea. people will  understand you easily. u might not get respect but  it will be easy  for you to get good friends around you. you will not need power , 
people will love  you !  
 Which is your type? 
My Guru rooshiKumar Pandya has explain me this concept. 
I wish to be in second type .  
who are you?       
તમે કોણ છો ?
બે પ્રકારના લોકો હોય  છે.
1. રહસ્ય પેદા કરનારા લોકો  
2. સરળતા સર્જનાર લોકો 
નીચેની વિડીયો અંગ્રેજી ભાષાને સરળ બનાવવાનો પ્રયાસ છે. જુવો .  


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