Thank you very much to teach me these things !

You see me many times.

You sometimes see me in your schools singing songs and dancing.You sometimes watch me in your schools talking about importance of learning English.You sometimes hear me in your college on personality development n career success.You sometime see me as an actor acting an old father and trying make you laugh.See this short video clip of musical play where i play a role of a father. 

 You might have seen me on Facebook, whats App, linked In , you Tube videos or twitter.

But i'm not your teacher. I am your student.

You taught me many things.

I would like to list them out.

1. When I see you in any classroom, you are restless. You cannot focus. You talk with each other. So you cannot study in the finest classes of the world! Your mind is restless so you cannot focus your mind on the projected videos on  screens  which I show you during my training shows.Possible, that nobody teaches you how to concentrate or to be mindful !Even your parents might not know how to concentrate ?Or your teachers do not even value concentration for success.So, you can not digest any subject.  you can not relate your education with life.   

You invest your money in education but investment is wasted . Your time is not invested but it is wasted. Your energies are invested not  but they are wasted.

 It is because you can not focus on you study when you study.

I have learn that I must be focused when I do any activity. I have learnt that I should  to be peaceful and  happy to beautify my activity and converting  them  in creativity!I have to be aware inside n out to enjoy  ever changing dynamic beautiful world around me. This requires focus of mind.

Thank you to teach me the importance of mindfulness in my life and work.

2. When I talk with you one on one in any  class, you do not talk. You cannot talk. It is not because that your English is not OK. It is because 

you do not know what to talk? You do not know how to talk? You are tired, bored or frustrated from Inside Out.I have learn that  I have to be happy and healthy from Inside Out to be good communicator.  

I must learn to develop good habits like early to bed, early to rise then exercise then hot water bath then hot water drink then good food then concentration and meditation exercises before I go to my work.Thank you to value  these good habits. Thank you to teach me the importance of these  great habits that fills my work with love and enthusiasm.

3. You do not know to write correctly. You do not know to speak correctly. You have very low cognitive abilities. You are graduate, you might be engineers and a doctors but you do not show the signs of educated persons. 

These  abilities are ability to  understand, comprehend n express yourself creatively and effectively. You are in thousands and thousands numbers .I am sad that I cannot do anything about these great numbers but I will do my level best to help you out with the grace of God.

Thank you to show me the importance of cognitive abilities in life and work 

4. You believe that you got a degree so you know everything and there is no need to learn. You must be given jobs . Many time, you expect that you must get great salary because you are an engineer , a doctor or an MBA but that is entitlement attitude  

I have learnt  from  you that   I must be student throughout my life to learn new skills, abilities and attitudes so my life grows n my personality develops. 

I can earn money by contributing to self, family and society  I can enjoy the beauty of this wonderful world that is created by creator of infinity!

Thank you very much to teach me these great things and attitudes  !God bless you!Neerav Gadhai,from Personality Development Academy.   


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