come on , speak English confidently.

     What will your learn in C.S.E.C. program ?        

           Watch an  introductory video from C.S.E.C. program 

How can you do C.S.E.C. video program at personality development academy ?

1. C.S.E.C. video program at personality development academy by Guru: shishyaa system / personal coaching system  

2. C.S.E.C. video program at personality development academy by Video conferencing   coaching system  

3. C.S.E.C. video program at personality development academy by seminar & training shows  

4. C.S.E.C. video program at personality development academy by Home study videos   

 There are 27 basic topics in this video program.  1.This video program helps you to create sentences creatively. 2.You will be able to create simple and powerful sentences after doing this course. 3. You will be able to tell stories , experiences . You will be able express yourself better.  4.You will learn basic grammar with the help of self-expressions, songs, films, videos and role pays.5. Wonderful training program for teens , teachers and parents 


(Free home delivery in India) 

where will call for order ?  

94262 14800 ( India)

where will you send the  course fee ?

Send the amount in our account and you will get the program or services at your door steps.  Deposit the amount at

 NameNeerav Gadhai
 Name of BankHdfc-bhuj
 Account number020410000006985
 ifsc codehdfc0000204
 Cell94262 14800



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