"Boys, U don't get jobs because...." Youth Empowerment Workshop: ( RUSA) Rastiya Uchcha Shikshan Ayog


              "Boys, U don't get jobs because...." 

             Youth Empowerment Workshop

         ( RUSA) Rastiya Uchcha Shikshan Ayog   

"Boys, U don't get jobs because...." 

1. There aren't any small or big businesses around u .
2. U don't know how to get jobs.
3. U do not know how to start big or small businesses.
let us be creative and learn to do these things with me 
it starts with creative thinking and creative communication

Neerav's  training show   
  Communication skills for Success !

 "I am that  creative person." :-)

"I am a happy person." :-("

I am ready to change to be happy and successful." :-)"

I am rich." :-("

I make people rich around me " :-)

These are the dialogues. These are the inner dialogues of successful persons. These are the inner dialogues of successful communicators.I had an opportunity to do a series of training programs on Topic "successful communicators"  at government Polytechnic Bhuj  for the engineering students of Kutch area where there are  always threats for survival.The aims of the seminar were many but we could address few of them. It was an  wonderful experience hundreds of boys and girls participated , enjoyed and hope that they must have learnt new behaviours for successful communicators to survive and be successful in life.here are few photos , you can watch the video to see many more photos.  

learning  the art of listening from Kabeer  

learning to talk with self  

                            learning of art of communication by role plays and drama 

      Listen a beautiful song and watch many photos here ! click 

Top 9  Communication Skills for Workplace Success

1.Listening skills
2.Non verbal communication.
3.Clarity and conclusion
9. Feedback 

if you wish to learn more on the topic , you may join one of my seminars.
Call : 94262 14800  to attend or arrange my seminars  


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